Sandy Mossgrave 39a69c947e Quicksaving before first run on coldspringsharbor.
Added manipulations.c, which turns an array of bytes
into their hex representation.

Added a completely useless test suite.

Added manifesto.tex, which is, well, a dramatic name
for my notes to self and plan.

Added local.schema, which will be used by LDAP later on when
actually registering the photos in a database.
2023-06-19 08:56:49 +00:00

80 lines
1.8 KiB

\def\thetitle{LDAPhotos Manifesto}
\def\myname{Sandy Mossgrave}
\geometry{letterpaper, portrait, margin=1in}
% Package imports!
\graphicspath{ {./images} }
\setlength{\jot}{8pt} % Nicer spacing for the lines in an amsmath split environment
% Unnumbered Equation Command - Mimics the \begin{equation} environment without a number
\fancyhead[RO,RE]{\thepage/\pageref*{LastPage} \myname \\ \today}
\fancyhead[RO,RE]{\thepage/\pageref*{LastPage} \myname\\ \today}
\Large{\textbf{ \thetitle }}
\section*{To-Do List}
\item Obtain object identifier
\item Choose name prefix
\item create local schema file
\item define custom attribute types
\item define custom object classes
\item Add a \localschema into \textit{/usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/}
\item In \textit{slapd.conf} add an include directive for the above \localschema